Monday, September 8, 2014

DIY Personalized Notebooks

With school being back in session, I thought it would be a fun idea to customize your own notebook. This is super easy and it only took me 10 minutes to do the composition notebook and not even five minutes to do the spiral notebook.
Here's what you'll need:
  • A composition and spiral notebook
  • Two sets of two identical pieces of scrapbook paper (I got mine at Micheal's for $1 for 4 pieces)
  • A pencil
  • A ruler
  • Modge Podge
  • A brush (for the Modge Podge)
  • Scissors

Step One:
  • Line the scrapbook paper with the composition notebook. I would prefer not to cover the binding of the book, but this is about personalizing so feel free to either cover the binding or not. Once you've lined the scrapbook paper, use your pencil to lightly mark a line of the length and width of the book. Now you can do this one or two ways. I cut the paper so that it was larger than the notebook. Second option, is to open the book and have the paper under the book. Use a craft knife and trace around the book. I picked this first option because I didn't have a craft knife and I knew that I would mess it up somehow (it's the truth!).
  • If you chose to do it the first way, then your paper should look like this
Step Two:
  • Once you got your paper cut, it's time to lay out the Modge Podge and brush it to make a thin layer. Try to make it as thin as possible to that there are no bubbles once you've placed the paper on top and have pressed down on it.

Step Three:
  • More Modge Podge (if you didn't use the craft knife to make a precise outline of the paper). You'll need to put a thin layer of the Modge Podge on the top and bottom strip of the paper. When you brush it out, bring the excess glue onto the edge of the book.

  • Once you've put on the thin layer, fold the paper over.

Step Four:
  • Apply a thin layer of Modge Podge on the long side of the notebook. You may need to use a little bit of glue when folding the corners in.

  • Once you've finished the front, repeat the same steps for the back and then you're done!

Now to do spiral notebooks, it's much quicker! You'll need the same items as the first notebook.
Step One:
  • Take your scrapbook paper and outline the notebook.

Step Two:
  • Next, cut out the outline and apply a thin layer of Modge Podge. Lay the scrapbook paper on top and press down to make sure there's no bubbles. After that you're done!

We're done! Super easy and quick to make those boring notebooks look amazing! I don't know about you guys, but I love having fun and cute notebooks. It almost makes me want to take notes and study more! I will be posting more school related posts in the next month or two. Love you muffins!

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